What is the


The Foundation
was established in the 1960s and incorporated in 1965. As an approved nonprofit organization with benevolent, religious, and educational purposes, the foundation benefits Central United Methodist Church, the New Mexico Annual Conference and the outreach of the United Methodist Church throughout the world. The foundation provides an opportunity for designation of personal assets to be utilized currently and in perpetuity. Both church and community members participate through their generous support.

Great possibilities
emerge through gifts, grants, and offerings such as these:

Scott Crutchfield Music &
Fine Arts Fund

Underwrites music scholars who become artists in residence through our Chancel Choir
and other music ministries.

Reed Assistance &
General Scholarship Fund

Offers Christian vocation scholarships and furtherance of church work by, with,
and for young people.

Thrift Shop Legacy Property Fund

Honors the social witness work of our Thrift Shop by assisting with deferred maintence and projects outside the church's annual budget.

Fenn Lecture Fund

Enables the church to invite and host speakers in alignment with the mission and vision to inspire, equip and educate the community.

Points of Contact

Diane Gutscher - President

Rev. Sanford Coon - Vice President

Dede Gronroos - Secretary

Don Small - Treasurer

Stephen Klump Julianne McAchran

Kyle Nye Virginia Nymeyer

Beth Reeves Ellen Skrak

Beverly Schifani Joann Sheets

Cathy Swain Debbie Tixier

Michelle Whiteaker

Our Officers

How are gifts made?

There are many ways to make charitable gifts to the Foundation, both currently and through your estate. Among the easiest gifts are cash, stocks, bonds, and real estate. Gifts of real estate may be made to the foundation while you continue to use the property. Retirement funds are flexible and may benefit other family members initially. Other options allow flexible timing and even allow retention of income during your life.

How you can help?


An initiation fee and first year membership of $50 is followed with nominal annual dues of $25 thereafter. The financial strength and stability of Central United Methodist Church are supported through the ministry of the foundation, and it depends on the interests and diversity of its members to properly direct the investments and disbursements of the funds entrusted to the foundation. As a member you can influence these decisions through your engagement in the meetings and election of officers to support the expansion and use of the entrusted funds.


You may support scholarships, property maintenance, operations, programs, missional engagements, memorials, Christian education, and music.


Your will reflects your values. You provide a powerful and lasting statement about the people and causes that are important to you. A bequest to your church is an easy way to declare your participation in the causes of Christ. Through your will you put your values and wishes into action. Writing your Christian will is simple, or you may update your will to remember your loved ones and your church.