Ensemble Offerings
Chancel Choir: Our full SATB chorus sings each Sunday at the 11am service and at special services throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7 pm. In the Sanctuary. We welcome new members at any time of the year! For more information contact Karen Marrolli, Director of Music Ministries at kmarrolli@centraltolife.org. Director: Dr. Karen Marrolli
Good News: Our tenor/bass ensemble sings once a month in our 8:30 and 11am services. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays just prior to Chancel Choir rehearsal, from 6:30-7pm in the Chapel. For more information contact Karen Marrolli, Director of Music Ministries at kmarrolli@centraltolife.org. Director: Dr. Dan Cummings
Grace Notes: Our treble ensemble sings once a month in our 8:30 and 11am services. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays just prior to Chancel Choir rehearsal, from 6:30-7pm in the Sanctuary. For more information contact Karen Marrolli, Director of Music Ministries at kmarrolli@centraltolife.org. Director: Dr. Karen Marrolli
Mass ApPeal Handbells: Our handbell choir rings once a month in the 11am service and rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm in the Handbell Room (Rm. 311-312). For more information please contact Nancy-Roberts Small at nancyrobertssmall27@gmail.com. Director: Nancy Roberts-Small.
Do you play a musical instrument? We love to welcome instruments of various kinds, either as soloists, chamber ensemble members or as part of the choir anthem.
Please contact Dr. Karen Marrolli (kmarrolli@centraltolife.org)
if you are interested in playing in a worship service!
Every other month, we welcome Jazz to Go to our 11am Sanctuary service. This ensemble of flute, piano, bass, and percussion starts at approximately 10:45 with “Just Jazz” preservice music of various themes, and helps lead in worship with hymns and spiritual songs offered in a jazz idiom.
Central United Methodist Church is blessed with a vibrant music ministry that features many forms of musical leadership: small vocal ensembles, soloists, Jazz to Go, Mass ApPeal Handbells, and our Chancel Choir.
Through all of these musical offerings, as well as through robust congregational singing, our goal is to facilitate a deep and cohesive worship experience that amplifies the scriptural themes of the day. We strive to provide a wide variety of musical genres to make worship accessible to all, from classical to jazz, from freshly composed anthems to beloved standards, all while singing hymns both old and new. In addition, we delight in featuring music of cultures that span the globe. We hope that fostering a varied and inclusive culture of communal music-making can break down walls, deepen our spiritual understanding, and foster empathy, preparing us to be the light of Christ in the world.
Four or five Sundays a year, we host short lunchtime concerts to raise item donations for area outreach organizations. These concerts span a variety of musical genres, including singer-songwriter jazz, Celtic and folk music, classical, and bluegrass. Join us at 12:30 in our Central to Life Center for one of our upcoming concerts, and bring an item donation as your “admission.” We also offer lunch at these concerts for a small fee- please call the church office to sign up ahead of time (505-243-7834).
Next Love Your Neighbor Concert
Sunday, May 4th:
- Music For All Seasons -
(Folk Americana)
Benefitting Saranam