Our Ministries


If not us, then who? 

Serving others and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ is a fundamental action of who we are called to be as followers of Jesus. Jesus’ example leads us to love our neighbors, bring hope to the marginalized, and work for justice. You are invited to participate, living out God’s call, through various opportunities as our faith community continues to meet the practical and spiritual needs of those in our neighborhood, our city, the surrounding area and beyond.  

 If you are interested joining us in any of our service ministries please contact Pastor Kelly.

Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks
Executive Pastor

Adult Formation Groups 

Because our faith journeys are never over, we offer a range of small groups and classes. Small groups and classes provide opportunities for both learning and mutual support that help us grow in our faith.  

Jesus Valdez

Media Coordinator



Central United Methodist Church offers a hybrid service every Sunday. part of the media outreach with the church strives to bring the Bible and technology together. Through connecting traditional Church practices with modern media practices we can connect on a new level.

Dr. Karen Marrolli

Director of Music



Central United Methodist Church offers a thriving and diverse program of music and fine arts including vocal choir, handbells, and jazz ensembles. You will often find Central hosting community concerts. There is something for almost everyone who loves the arts and many ways to become involved in worship by being on stage or behind the scenes.